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Snaith Primary School

Daily Routine

The school gates open at 8:45am for children to come straight to class and school finishes at 3:30pm. As soon as children arrive at school they embark on learning. 

Registration is from 8:55 to 9:00am. 

Our total school opening hours are 33 hours a week. 

Break times

Children have a morning break of 15 mins, a lunch time break from 12 until 1pm, with a 15 minute focus task from 1.00pm until 1.15pm. Class operate their own learning break in the afternoon. 


Every Monday we join together for a whole school assembly.

On Tuesday each key stage has an assembly.

On Wednesday children have class assemblies with their teacher. 

On Thursday we have key stage singing assemblies. 

On Friday we celebrate our children's wonderful achievements in our Superstar assembly.