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Snaith Primary School

Curriculum & Learning

The Curriculum at Snaith Primary School

Children only have one childhood.  At Snaith we believe being a part of that journey is a privilege which is never underestimated. We endeavour to provide a curriculum which enables children to grow in knowledge and skills, including procedural fluency,  while creating happy memories along the way.

We believe every child should grow with a sense of self-worth and confidence, responsibility and respect, compassion and kindness.

Our children are given the opportunity to develop as well-rounded individuals where all aspects of learning and all talents are nurtured and celebrated.

Using the National Curriculum as our base to offer breadth of learning, the curriculum at Snaith is tailored to provide children with knowledge and skills which are progressive over the year and through the years, allowing all children to embed their learning and demonstrate what they know and remember. 

Depth of knowledge and understanding is enabled through the creative way learning in the individual subjects is linked by common themes and built on over time.  The high standards expected and attained are reflected in the high quality of the presentation books and floor books children produce which capture the essence of our curriculum. Teaching creatively and for creativity within a structured programme enables our children to develop analytical and questioning minds as well as a love and enthusiasm for learning.

We foster a love of learning, an appreciation of the arts and a keen sense of identity enabling children to understand themselves and their place in the world around them – school, local community, nationwide and world-wide. This includes understanding the past in order to be responsible citizens in the future and developing respect and tolerance for others.

Above all, we endeavour for our children to grow with kind hearts and sense of responsibility to themselves and those around them. We want children to be able to appreciate their own talents and abilities and those of others, recognising that, not only our similarities but much more our differences, enable us truly work as a team.

At Snaith you find…

Children and staff who are inspired, engaged and enthusiastic about learning.

Children who develop increasing independence – often inspired to extend their learning outside of lessons.

Children who fully embrace, take part in and take responsibility for the life of the school; from running clubs for other children to undertaking jobs and responsibilities, participating in clubs and taking an active role in community events.

Our sense of community and togetherness is essential to all we do. A number of whole school events and theme days contribute to uniting our school and helping to promote a shared sense of responsibility, togetherness and fun.  We love to sing and dance! Our whole school productions are legendary!

At Snaith you will see purposeful learning, smiles and hear laughter.  A sense of warmth and togetherness permeates the vibrant walls.  

Please take a look at your child's Class Dojo to see some of the exciting learning going on in our school.

If you would like to discuss our curriculum further please contact your child's teacher or an appointment can be made with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. 

Please see end of Key Stage expectations below.