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Snaith Primary School

Monday 23rd March


We hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

We hope your Mum / Mummy / Mother / Mama liked their Mother’s Day cards!

For our first official day of ‘supporting learning at home’ we would like you to think about your own learning environment at home.

For the foreseeable future, you will be ‘schooling at home’, just like lots of your parents are working from home.


We would like you think about:

What your school is called.

What your school’s logo is. (At Snaith Primary we have a sunshine with a rainbow)

What your uniform will be. (Is there a jacket or hat you will wear when you are learning or will you just wear something each day?)

Who your teachers will be. (Don’t forget us trying to support from our homes!)

Finally, what you would like to learn / do whilst you are ‘schooling from home’? (Take a look for ideas below ‘100 indoor activities’)


For those of you who were able to attend school on Friday, we had the opportunity to talk about this and were able to give you a sheet to work on.

For those of you who were unable to attend, don’t worry because you can use your blue books.

We hope you have great fun thinking about, designing, drawing and labelling your ideas.

We can’t wait to see them when we all return to school.


Don’t forget to do your:

* ‘Doodle Maths’ Extra and 5-a-day

* ‘Doodle English’ Extra and 5-a-day.



Mrs Clarkson, Mrs Stevenson and Rascal
